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Mehmet Cengiz Baloglu

Mehmet Cengiz Baloglu

Kastamonu University, Turkey


Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Baloglu is Associate Professor of Department of Genetic and Bioengineering at Kastamonu University. He received his PhD in 2011 at Middle East Technical University (METU). His PhD thesis was awarded as the best thesis in METU. He has established molecular biology, transcriptomics and bioinformatics research laboratories at the Kastamonu University in 2013. Dr. Baloglu has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts on topics concerning with gene identification in plants, transcriptome and miRNA analysis using NGS and abiotic stress in plants. He is serving as an Associate editor and Editorial Board member for international journals with high impact factors.


Abstract : Genome wide identifi cation of important DNA sequences in plant genomes and Its application in plant biotechnology