Sergey V. Petoukhov
Head of the Laboratory of biomechanical systems
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Sergey V. Petoukhov is a head of the Laboratory of biomechanical systems in the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. He is Prof., Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci, Laureate of the State prize of the USSR. Chairman of the advisory board of the International Symmetry Association, Budapest; Editor-in-Chief of the “International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computingâ€, Hong Kong; Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board Directors of the ResearchAssociation of Modern Education and Computer Science, Hong Kong. The Chinese government has included him in 2012 year in the official “List of Outstanding Scientists in the Worldâ€. The author of 7 books and more than 200 other publications. He is a specialist in bioinformatics, genetic biomechanics, crystallography, theory of symmetry and self-organization.
Research Interest
Bioinformatics, genetic biomechanics, crystallography, theory of symmetry and self-organization