Amandio Vieira
Simon Fraser University,Canada
Title: Cell function-based high-throughput screening of natural and synthetic compounds
Biography: Amandio Vieira
Modulators of cell functions such as transport pathways, signal transduction, and redox balance may have biomedical applications as pharmaco-therapeutics. We have developed biochemical and cellular high-throughput screening assays to assess activities of natural products, standardized plant extracts, as well as synthetic compounds and biosimilars. Several of these assays will be discussed in the context of (a) pro-oxidative and other pathological effects of misfolded and aggregated polypeptides in amyloidogenic diseases, (b) infectious diseases involving endocytosis of the microbe, and (c) epigenetic regulation in metabolic disorders. Medicinal and dietary plant extracts, purified phytochemicals including flavonoids and nutrients, as well as combinations of purified compounds, are currently undergoing screening in our laboratory; and the latest results will be presented.