Ahmed Gaber Shidied Ibrahim is Professor of Hydrogeology in Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, Egypt. His Academic Qualification, he completed B.Sc.in Geology in 1983. He Compiled M. Sc in Geology - Hydrogeology in 1990, completed Ph.D. in Hydrogeology - Faculty of Science - Menoufia University ,Egypt in 1995.
Academic positions he was been as Demonstrator from 1985 to 1990 as Assistant Lecturer. From 1990 to 1995 as Lecturer from 1995 to 2001 , as Assistant Professor from 2001 to 2006. Working as Professor in geology and hydrogeology from 2006 to date. Former Dean of Faculty of Science, former Vice – President for Graduate Studies and Research for a 4 year team, , former Vice – President for Social Services , Head of Geology Department , Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, Acting as President of Fayoum University, Egypt
His Scientific Societies Membership ,he was been of the member of Egyptian Society of Geology (1985 to date),Member of the Egyptian Society of Environmental Sciences since its establishment in 2004 to date,
Member of the Water Resources Promotion Committee of the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Universities and the Desert Research Center .
Accredited trainer of the Faculty Leadership Development Project related to the Supreme Council of Universities,
Head of the Higher Committee of the Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Master's Program within the graduate programs of the Faculty of Science , Fayoum University in cooperation with 10 Arab and European countries. He participated in the organizing committees of many local and international conferences and workshops. He also participated in the arbitration of many papers and theses for master's and doctoral degrees, in addition to being a member of many specialized international journals.